
Philosophy Kitchen

The connection between form and meaning has been so intrinsic and obvious that it has been implicit for centuries. Then, around fifty years ago, the issue of meaning suddenly burst into the architectural world, with many scholars and practitioners bustling to introduce semiology and semiotics into design. Now, after the globalisation and the atomisation of thoughts of the last decades, those debates could seem pretty meaningless, the form being mainly an aesthetic feature or a counterfeit fetish for everchanging, feeble poetics. Yet, we continue to design, produce, and critique architecture, attributing meanings, intentions, and hopes to its forms. Once more, we will explore and discuss the elusive yet unavoidable connection between meaning and architecture: four thematic sections to understand the place and dimension of meaning in, of, from, to, after, or maybe even for Architecture.


Edited by Carlo Deregibus e Aurosa Alison

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English version

DOI: https://doi.org/10.13135/2385-1945/21.2024

Pubblicato: ottobre 2024



section 0 - foreword

Carlo Deregibus, Aurosa Alison - Introducing Meaning in Architecture, now [PDF En]

section 1 - theories & practices

Carlo Deregibus, Dora Epstein Jones, Georgia Lindsay, Eleanor Jolliffe, Akiko Okabe, Philippa Nyakato Tumubweinee - Meaning in Architecture, now. A Debate [PDF En]

Carlo Olmo - Coriandoli di senso. Il significato in architettura, nel tempo [PDF It]

Sarah Robinson - Ecological Form. Tenets for an Evolving Architecture [PDF En]

section 2 - theories > practices

Federico Rudari - Architecture and its Metaphors. The Poetic Form as Experience [PDF En]

James Acott-Davies, Mickeal Milocco Borlini - Spatium Fugit. An Alternative Approach to Understanding the Meaning of Space and Time in Architecture [PDF En]

Jacopo Bonat, Matteo Zambon - Architettura dello stomaco. Processi endogeni di assimilazione delle forme [PDF It]

section 3 - theories = practices

Carlo Comanducci - From SimCity to Smart City. Modelling and Government in the Epistemology of Architectural Power [PDF En]

Enrico Orsenigo, Maria Valentini, Michela Bongiorno - Iconomania e iconomana. Contributi filosofici alla veicolazione delle immagini nel paesaggio [PDF It]

Simone Policarpo - La teoria architettonica dell’empatia. Dall’estetica dell’Einfühlung alla neuroestetica dei neuroni specchio [PDF It]

section 4 - theories < practices

Matteo Tempestini - Il potenziale formativo del premio. La costruzione dell’architettura alpina contemporanea [PDF It]

Saskia Gribling - The Meaning of Dissent. Everyday Oppositional Practices in Brussels [PDF En]

Varvara Toura - The Preservation of Industrial Heritage as a Form of Urban Resilience. The Case Studies of Ile-de-Nantes and Docks-de-Seine [PDF En]

section 5 - afterword

Carlo Deregibus - The Meaning of Meaning in Architecture, now [PDF En]


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